In contrast to UCL’s sentiment towards me, as seen in the article discussed in the last blog (August); the sentiment of those who were courageous enough to talk to me and trust me with their stories, and those coming forward for the first time, was quite different. I have made a selection of their messages to me below. I would not have had the incentive to compile the below messages, had UCL not attempted to smear me. This is how I have chosen to defend myself – this is not a vanity project; I would have preferred to keep these treasured messages private.
Additionally, UCL claimed in their smear article that my research into gender inequality at the Bartlett was not in the wider public interest. I think the views expressed below starkly contrast that view held by UCL.
This page is continually updated and includes messages received after September.
Received on the 19th of September 2020 from the UCL Gender & Feminism Society
We commend your bravery in seeking to make this public.
Received on the 1st of March 2021 from a Bartlett School of Architecture alumnus
Hi Eleni, thanks for getting in touch, I'm impressed with your initiative..
Received on the 1st of March 2021 from a Bartlett School of Architecture alumnus
Sounds great that your researching gender equality! 🙂👌
Received on the 1st of March 2021 from a Bartlett School of Architecture alumnus
Hi Eleni, thanks for your message and this is really a meaningful research!
Received on the 1st of March 2021 & 31st of May 2021 from a Bartlett School of Architecture alumnus
You have to call them out publicly other way there is going to be nothing done..
Hi, I’ve just read the article. It turned out very good. Thank you for gathering all of the information and taking the time..
Received on the 3rd of March 2021 from a Bartlett School of Architecture alumnus
It's very valuable work what you're doing. Everyone looking at gender inequality is! Thanks, good luck with the research.
Received on the 3rd of March 2021 from a Bartlett School of Architecture alumnus's great that you want to change it and do something about it and thank you for that.
Received on the 8th of March 2021 from a Bartlett School of Architecture alumnus
Thanks Eleni for taking time do this research!
Received on the 10th of March 2021 from a Bartlett School of Architecture alumnus
Thank you for doing this very interesting and important study.. best of luck to you too!
Received on the 20th of March & 31st of May 2021 from a Bartlett School of Architecture alumnus
.. I admire your effort to stand up for the this, keep going.
Hey saw the coverage on Guardian. Just want to say, well done!
Received on the 30th of March 2021 from a Bartlett School of Architecture alumnus
Thank you so much! It’s a pleasure to help out in whatever way I can ☺️
Received on the 2nd of April 2021 from a Bartlett School of Architecture alumnus
Your work is greatly appreciated! All the best for your research and certainly I will try and get more involved xx
Received on the 3rd of April 2021 from a Bartlett School of Architecture alumnus
Hi Eleni I really appreciate you taking the time to speak with me and the work you are putting in.. I really admire and believe in what you are doing.
Received on the 4th of April & 31st of May 2021 from a Bartlett School of Architecture alumnus
Hi Eleni! .. Also, thank you for supporting the female community of the Bartlett- it’s a very important step in the school.
Thank you, Eleni! I’m very happy for everyone and myself that the truth is out now!
Received on the 12th of April, 7th of May & 1st of June 2021 from a Bartlett School of Architecture alumnus
It was so lovely to chat with you and to share experiences and thoughts btw. I felt so much better afterwards.. The one good thing is that, seeing your work has really allowed me to realise I am not alone in this which is a really big thing for me to feel validated in my experiences.. I’d get headaches every day from relieving those experiences and it really broke me down emotionally so much, there was a time when I couldn’t even think about what happened without crying or being upset, let alone have the strength to fight people on these issue as persistently as you have done and deal with their behaviour.. no one should have had to go through any of this, but I appreciate your strength in dealing with this, it makes so much of a difference even for me as someone whose gone through this, to have someone who finally listens and I am sure this will benefit many other girls to come as well.
I am so glad that I met you and you organised all of this and was the person who finally orchestrated something like this, your strength in standing up for this, has also given me so much strength and I am so glad to have done this with you ❤️❤️❤️.. Thank you so much Eleni, this process has been really affirming for me and helped me heal from a lot of things ❤️.. honestly, it makes so much of a difference to have someone who validates my experiences and your efforts have made me realise it really wasn’t a problem with me.. Yes I am glad!! I am hopeful this will create some movement with this 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼.. the fact that this is even being put out there in the first place is an amazing first step, it’s really re-affirming after years of not being taken seriously by UCL.
I am so glad this has encouraged people to come forward with their experiences and it just highlights how problematic this is.
Received on the 7th of May 2021 from a Bartlett School of Architecture alumnus
Ah thanks you! It was all down to your hard work in the first place though.
Received on the 8th of May 2021 from a former Bartlett School of Architecture staff member
Hi Eleni, That's an incredible result! well done!! all your hard work has paid off, and many women who have gone through the Bartlett and who will study there in the future, will have you to thank. Including me. Really looking forward to seeing the article. Thank you for reaching out to me!
Received on the 31st of May 2021 from a Bartlett School of Architecture alumnus
It’s really great that people are listening to you. An article in the Guardian is quite something.. Well done for staying with it and fighting for what you believe in.
Received on the 31st of May 2021 from a former Bartlett School of Architecture staff member
Hi Eleni, apologies for the DM, just wanted to say amazing work re the Bartlett expose. Will tweet article tomorrow – and I really hope it is triggering some kind of reckoning there 👊🏾.
Received on the 31st of May 2021 from a former Bartlett School of Architecture staff member
Thank you for sending this link Eleni. This is an important move. I hope things change.
Received on the 31st of May 2021 & 29th of June from a former Bartlett School of Planning alumnus
Thank you so much for everything what you are doing💕
Received on the 31st of May, 1st of June & 24th of July 2021 from a Bartlett School of Architecture alumnus
Yes thank you for doing this!
Can’t thank you enough!
Just read this article. Basically everything we went through for 3 years. Thank you so much for doing this. A lot of us were so damaged from it to the point where we became so consumed in it that the option to speak out wasn’t even in our heads. We just wanted to do what needed to be done to be gone from there.
Received on the 31st of May, 22nd of July & 2nd of October 2021 from a Bartlett School of Architecture alumnus
Bravo Eleni!
Wow Eleni. Well done. I’m so proud of you. It really brings me back reading through it..
Well done Eleni mou!!! Amazing! You really made a difference.
Received and seen on the 1st of June 2021, message and InstaStory from FAF
Thank you very much for what you’ve done.

Received on the 1st of June 2021 from United Voices of the World Union UK
We'd like to offer our solidarity.
Received on the 1st of June 2021, message from @dank.lloyd.wright
Wow you have done a lot of work! Do you want us to publish some excerpts you compiled? Happy to amplify your work wherever possible.
Received on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd of June 2021 from a Bartlett School of Architecture alumnus
I would like to fully support your efforts, for which thank you… You have done a great deal already..
You’re a hero..
Just such a fantastic thing for you to have done, MBE worthy..
Amazing, 100% Erin Brokovich.
Received on the 2nd of June 2021 from a Bartlett School of Architecture alumnus
Having seen these articles has triggered a lot of conversations with fellow UCL alumni architects and it has brought to the surface a lot of psychological issues that still follow most till this day that we had never shared in the past. Thank you for bringing this environment to the epicentre!
Received on the 2nd of June 2021 from a Bartlett School of Architecture alumnus
Thank you. 🙏🏽
Received on the 2nd of June 2021 from a Bartlett School of Planning alumnus
Surreal tbh... like seeing news which are technically your own life story and experiences told by media, I actually wanted to thank you separately for that quote I saw in the article... moved me and tbh shocked to the core that out of all you picked to reference that. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Received on the 2nd of June 2021 from a Bartlett School of Architecture alumnus
Thank you for your really great efforts in raising awareness of some of the problems that appear to have existed at the Bartlett for a prolonged period of time.
Received on the 7th of June 2021 from a Bartlett School of Architecture alumnus
Thanks for getting this into the Guardian.
Received on the 7th of June 2021 from a Bartlett School of Architecture alumnus
Thank you for taking the step to do something.
Received on the 8th of June 2021 from a Bartlett School of Architecture alumnus
Hey Eleni. Great work you are doing collecting on past Bartlett discrimination.. Time for real change…
Received on the 8th of June 2021 from a Bartlett School of Architecture alumnus
I’d be really interested to get involved with what you’re doing somehow.. It feels like the article in the Guardian has created an opportunity to discuss some of these toxic things.. I’d love to know more about your mission.
Received on the 8th of June 2021 from a Bartlett School of Architecture alumnus
Thank you for the work your doing.
Received on the 8th of June 2021 from a Bartlett School of Architecture alumnus
Hi Eleni .. want to quickly say how much I appreciate and respect your determination and I’m extremely glad they’re responding - your passion and persistency is amazing and admirable!! Thank you for all you have done and continue to do for women! ❤️❤️
Received on the 8th of June and the 29th of July 2021 from a Bartlett School of Architecture alumnus
Dear Eleni – thank you so much for your important work bringing together people affected by their experiences at the Bartlett and for uncovering such important issues that until now people felt so alone and hopeless dealing with, even many years later.
I still unfortunately have some fears about coming forward with my name. I really admire your great work coming forward and making all this happen even more for this reason.. please know that I 10000% support all you are doing.. thanks for all that you do!
Received on the 8th & 11th of June 2021 from a former Bartlett School of Architecture staff member
Hi Eleni 👋… Thank you for bravely calling-out the ghastly toxic culture at the Bartlett.
Full of admiration for you for taking them on 💪.
Received on the 9th of June 2021 from a Bartlett School of Architecture alumnus
You’re doing a great work.
Received on the 24th of June 2021 from a former Bartlett School of Architecture alumnus
This is really validating!!… Thank you for starting this!
Received on the 22nd of July 2021 from a Bartlett School of Architecture alumnus
That’s amazing to hear Eleni, you should be very proud.. 👏👏👏 Thank you once more for doing all the work Eleni ❤️ It means a lot to know that women like you are around.
Received on the 22nd of July 2021 from a Bartlett School of Architecture alumnus
Thanks Eleni. I hope we see changes and for the Bartlett to own up to their systemic abuse.
Received on the 22nd of July 2021 from a Bartlett School of Architecture alumnus
Well done on the AJ article! Hopefully dezeen will pick it up!
Received on the 22nd of July 2021 from a Bartlett School of Architecture alumnus
This is great!.. About time that students get a bit of justice.. Some of the tutors are just useless. Not as Architecture tutors but as individuals, the Bartlett is a place they can hide and exert their manic illnesses..
Received on the 23rd of July 2021 from a Bartlett School of Architecture alumnus
Hi Eleni, I have seen your campaign.. I would be very happy to support your campaign.. Just let me know if I can help.. What you are doing is so impressive, thank you for being so brave and principled. I haven’t thought about this stuff for a while and it’s been a huge relief to hear I wasn’t going mad, it was as bad as I thought and I’m not alone.
Received on the 23rd of July 2021 from former Bartlett School of Architecture crit panellist Annabel Brown
Well done to you and you have my support should you need it, king regards, Annabel
Received on the 28th of July 2021 from former Bartlett School of Architecture staff member Margot Krasojevic Ph.D
Proud to be a part of this.
Received on the 1st of August 2021 from a Bartlett School of Architecture alumnus
Thanks for doing this.
Received on the 1st of August 2021 from Bartlett School of Architecture alumnus Matteo Sarno
I think you are doing some very important work here and my hope is that this will become a watershed moment for the profession both in academia and in practice. I would love to be more involved with campaigning and activism on this difficult subject.. Thanks again for raising this important issue.
Received on the 3rd of August 2021 from a Bartlett School of Architecture alumnus
Cheers for your work.
Received on the 16th of October 2021 from a Bartlett School of Architecture alumnus
I am struck by your determination, and I admire you for that. I hope this gives you added strength in working towards your goals and other projects! Needless to say I am not surprised by the numbers of people who have added their testimonials, though it still makes difficult reading.
Received on the 21st of October 2021 from a Bartlett School of Architecture alumnus
I am very grateful for all you have done and pretty positive this will make difference for future generation so thanks for that. I just thought I tell you this.