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Eleni Kyriacou

In July 2022 I collaborated with the United Voices of the World, Section of Architectural Workers (UVW-SAW) with regards to helping to formulate the content of a demonstration leaflet that was dispersed on UCL’s campus during the Bartlett’s open day. I proposed that the leaflet focused on raising awareness to prospective students with regards to knowing their rights, so that if they potentially enroll at the Bartlett they will hopefully not be exploited, manipulated, or subjected to any form of abusive as has sadly been systematically occurring for decades there. We discussed how students need to know they are entitled to:

· A healthy student life balance, (where they sleep adequate hours, eat adequately, have expected weekend and holiday time)

· Know never to normalise or tolerate any bullying, verbal/physical/sexual abuse, or any form of discrimination

· Never having their work plagiarised by staff

· Never provide free labour for staff

· Never have their complaints ignored by the institution and so on

Below are images of the leaflet and of the UVW-SAW team handing them out.

In July I was also interviewed by Elizabeth Hopkirk for Building Design. Even though allegations against the Bartlett have transpired to include many issues beyond sexism, for me personally the problem that I had experienced at the Bartlett was brazen, overt sexism which shocks me to this day when I remember it. My discussion with Elizabeth focused on this and the very serious problem I believe the university has regarding its architectural grading record separated by gender and what next steps UCL need to consider taking to rectify any grading injustices resulting from sexism. See the article here:


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